I was beaten with the ugly forest!!

Yeah....i just read my friends diary on makeup and it made me laugh....it kinda reminded me of the conversation that i had with nicole yesturday.... we're sitting in a car, and nicole comments on how cut baby cows are....then i say that they soon grow up to be ugly....same thing kinda happens with some humans too.....like me....i was cute as a baby, but as i was growing up, i was beaten with the whole ugly forest instead of the ugly stick.... FUNNY!!!
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those cows are NOT cute what-so-ever!! they are fat little piggies and they are going to get killed and eating alive!!! never believe what you hear because it isn't true!! ever!!! and make up is for little peoples...talk about sky diving instead of make up...

Ber....ummmm I think that you are cute...maybe its just me but still, I think that baby cows are funny, almost all baby animals are...
baby cows are uglier than grown up cows.
And cows don't even wear makeup.
hehe! I was actually really ugly as a little girl...then I got pritti! lol j/k.

But for reals. Ber you are SO pretty. And you have the best figure of the whole team. See? And stuff! So how can you not be absolutely beautiful! We have proclaimed you to be so!

Ber's hott! (I win.)
haha, ugly forest, thats a good one, ill have to use it. but dont put yourself down, thats just not nice.
BER'S HOTT! yay!
welp i'm not gonna disagree with u thats for sure..........