Pink Chucks

So Chelsea did something that really made me feel good....she handed me a note.....what she said in it really made me feel great today...I didn't have a sad day at all.... I love Chelsea...she's someone you can count on to bring sunshine in a room....that's why I call her my sunshine....she "makes me happy, when skies are gray...." lame nursey song...I know.... And I got new shoes....they're pink chucks!!! and I'm soo excited....there's something about pink and blondes....can someone tell me what it is....
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hi! you're diary is really cute. (I'm really hyper beware) I love chucks. I have a pair of royal blue ones.
I LOVE your pink chucks too! They're hott! I also love you Ber!!!!!! *hugs*
pink chucks? yay! that's way rad.

Ber, you should never have sad days. You don't deserve them.

So, i hope that you're days continue to be deserve it
Pink and blonde just look good together, i reckon. Rawr. Ber's hott!

And i totally agree with you on the Chelsea thing! yay for Chelsea!