Sluffing Seminary Is an One Time Thing Only

Listening to: none
Feeling: broken
I missed seminary the other day....I'm having major issues with God.....I'm getting tired of hearing the same things all the time....if none of you know the mormons, I'm very sorry.....but we're talking about the second coming of God and it weirded me out because I don't think I've been very....."righteous" lately....I guess I'm tired of hearing that I'll burn in hell if I don't pay my tithing or say my prayers or stuff like that. I guess I want more proof that I want to be a part of this.....nothing else sounds or feel right, but I need more assurance from this thing.....OH!!! and my seminary teacher was saying something how we have to do all these things to say God.....and if we don't, we go to hell.....AM I NOT WORTHY OF SEEING MY GOD???!!! I hate this life.... I'm sorry if I'm freaking anybody out with my "mormon whining".....just leave this diary now if you don't want to read anymore.... What is the difference between destiny and fate? Are they even the same thing?
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It's one of the things I don't like about the LDS religion - the whole works to heaven thing. It's a bunch of bull. It seriously is. Ephesians 2:8-9 "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God-- not the result of works, so that no one may boast."

its my favorite bible passage.
I know what you mean my dear...I'll burn in hell right with ya! lol
you are not goin to hell for those things. don't worry. jsut read your bible and ask your pastor some questions. my G-Pa is a pastor and i can ask him some questions if you want me to. im sry you are having a rough time with this. it gets rough for me too.
eveyrone goes through feelings like that i think. and if they haven't they will. Personally, i've been through and still haven't been able to figure anything out. that's just how religioun goes.

destiny is fate that a person is destined to....that's all i got.