HO HUM....

Listening to: rap crap
Feeling: torn
This kid that sits next to me listens to rap all the time and it pisses me off!!! I hate rap! So, like my life must of just hit a boring spot because nothing is happening....I get up, go to school, go home and sit around while my parents complain about everything.... But yesturday was really interesting....we had cops come visit our house....I think it was like an inspection about our living conditions or something like that....yeah, really dumb, but still, kinda freaky.... Teresa has the sweetest boyfriend...he wrote the coolest and sweetest entry about her....he's mormon, go figure....guys should be more like him.....he's not clueless at all...
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I wish I was more like him... I dont think that there is anyone better for teresa...
Thanks for the comments, I Love Teresa sooo much, all I can say here is that I try to be the best I can be..
Yeah, that entry he wrote about her was pretty cute. I don't like rap either....good thing I dont' sit right by that guy so i don't have to hear it! :)