I'd Rather Be Alone

Listening to: Channel One
Feeling: confused
I'm getting the message that people are still clueless about Friday night....stupid people.....but its not my business to tell..... When people say that they hate liars and they are a liar themselves, does that mean that they hate themself or are they a hypocrit? Because I do hate liars and I hate how I have to live a lie now, pretending everything is ok when its not..... I know that people around me are unhappy....like my friends are unhappy and they deny it....I would die first than see my friends be sad or hurt....I've seen it with Chelsea and it killed me because I felt so useless to her..... I look around me now and I can see that people have somebody in their life or they just lost somebody or something went on between them.....I see it happening to my friends....you can't see it happening outside, they would rather be shot down than admit it....people and their stupid pride!!....I see my friends happy, I see my friends hurt, I see them sad, betrayed, glorious and everything that happens in relationships....I sit sometimes and wonder if I could be that happy....but when I start thinking about it, I start thinking about the pain and the trauma.....I don't think I could live with that.....I once heard that's its better to be alone, you can't get hurt if you're alone....but people say you won't grow if you don't experience pain....I have experienced it.....I've experienced more than anybody should have too....I've had my heart broken, I've buried my mother, I've experienced disappointment....I'm not a super hero people....I'm human....I experience feelings.... i'm human
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Actually, some people aren't clueless about friday night....I explained it in an e-mail....that I wrote to you..
I don't know who is anymore. Things happen like that, It's not worth shutting yourself off from the world, because even cynics like myself recognize the good fun people in this world.

Pain sucks, but the pleasure will come. Ber's hott!
Is there something else that i dont know... Niki told me almost everything... but i have no idea what i dont know...
Ber you are one of my best friends..you have helped me through so much..I will never ever be able to repay you...Just don't give up!!...BERS HOTT!!!!!
suck it up about friday..god your so selfish
ber, i love you, i love the way you write. it's amazing. the ideas you come up with are awesome. I can't express it like you can and when i do, i keep it to myself. you're amazing...you know that?

oh, and i'm not clueless about friday night. i'm extreamly pissed about it.