
Wow another boring day spent watching movies since I don't have a T.V only a laptop that plays DVDs. Holy shit I just watched Last Samurai and like it was bad. It was just awful. Well I kept falling asleep during the film so I guess all the good parts occurred while I was sleeping. It was just fucked up movie that didn't make any sense. I wish I had that movie Cruel Intentions that was a fucking cool movie. I also wished I had Fight Club. I guess its better then wanting to watch the Apprentice. I have never watched that show but everyone tells me it's sooooo gooood. whatever. I think people talk more about reality shows then politics. The thing is if I had a T.V with cable I would be watching MTV all day long. Fuck the news it is so depressing. The election thing is getting kind of ugly. It’s so sick to watch it kind of makes me not want to vote.
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Hehehe, the apprentice is so american. I take it you are american, which is ok, but if I were you I would watch spanish TV shows just to neutralise it a bit. I watched the apprentice once. If all you people act like that, I wont go to america.. But I'm not one for stereotypes :D. I love your header pic, by the way
thanks for the advice, u are so right. there are plenty of fish in the sea that don't have girlfriends...and i found one! yay me.