
fuck me... i have this big ass pimple at the corner of my mouth on the right side...it's so disgusting...i don't want to go to school i graudate from high school on the 27th. i hate myself so much. i feel so isolated at school, and like i try to make friends but i have this feel they don't accept me just because i don't live in a mansion down the street from them. one of the girls from my school was talking and i over heard...when she goes to Seattle, she and her father take a limo to downtown Seattle from the airport because you know the limo and the taxi cost almost the same amount of money whatever i never fit in...i'm always have to be the werid one with no friends...i hate everyone i wihs i was a hermit and i lived in the middle of no where... i almost broke out crying during school today...long story
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man that's nuts. you know everything in the bible happend though. it's part of our history. it's been proven true. they've found everything from the bible. our dating system is based on it man.
that sucks. i think i'm growing out of my pimples. i don't get them that much anymore which i thank God for
i would hang out with you if i lived in alaska but i live in texas
with cows
and... cows
and heat
oh yeah and cows

Who would want to live like that?

And that chick, pft, she's just a stuck up slut that probably is going to die of aids.

Don't worry about her.

So yeah..

