my glass if half full

sometimes i just feel like taking scissors to my hair and cutting unneccessary chunks out. and i do. hardly noticeable. today has been worth the two cents but it had a pretty bad start. parents throwing shoes at me, wouldnt let me take a shower because i woke up 7 minutes late. im 18! i dont have to ask permission to take a fucking shower. so for once in my life i spoke for myself. i told them to burn in hell. their power trip gets old. im tired of being responsible for everyone in my house and ALL the chores and then just to hear how much of a shitty job i did in the echos of their screaming. so last week i skipped two days of school. i went to a park and released myself over cigarettes and awkward conversation in a swing. of course i was caught in the end with my mom(my english teacher) writing me up for four days i.s.s. i cant undo this so i might as well accept it and make the best of it though. my sister has reached her peak on the bitch scale. life just gets better and better i swear.
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