who am i part 101

Listening to: sigour ros
Feeling: introspective
a certain question rambles my mind. my life. who am i? tonite i felt something unusual while taking my midnight drive and it brought about some unusual recognitions. i was at a green light. i was paying attention but for some reason i was still in my own world as if i was just watching it and not taking part.the people on the opposite side had a green light too and i was slowly getting ready to gain speed when two nice sports cars were turning left when they had no arrow. i just stopped and watched as they almost hit me and alot of things went through my mind, the last, beeping my horn, which was too late. a cop which was behind me took care and followed with blue lights. i just drove on. the thoughts of just leaving my house at 11 at night to take my night alone drive, and my grandparents saying it was odd, i had just gotten off the phone with my boyfriend and best friend, and i wondered what it would have been like if everything had ended there. all because i needed that night drive to think about everything from that day. it almost felt like it wouldve been a good ending. i could imagine it all serene. i have weird ways i like to depict my life and the way some things should feel like they should be.
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