(21) can think of a name

Hi, right now i am doing nothin, Just talking to brittany and dustin on MSN. There is a lot i want to say in this entry but i know Dustin will read. HAHA dustin. To brittany: I love you too and you know everything that i was going to write in my diary. To Dustin: I would right but then you would see it. HAHAHA ~Cassandra
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What can't I see? Why do you and brittany tease me????? :'(

thats great hunny would it really matter if we told dustin our plan wait that would reck everything
I'm going to start crying. :'( (and don't think I won't either)

im sure you will
your such a loser
cassandra you need to write deary
im not telling
im not telling
im not telling
im not telling