(23) Happy Bunny

Sorry i have not wrote i my diary in a long time. The diarys have not been working for me. Well yesterday when i got to my dads house there was something in my room like a box. I didnt know what it was. Then i looked inside it and there was a 2 week old bunny. I have wanted a bunny for a long time. We have wild bunnys in the yard. I ask where my dad got the bunny, he said the yard. So now i have a wild bunny. I think it is a girl. I really have no idea what am going to name her. so plz leave a comment and tell me some names for her. Yesterday Brittany told me there is this guy that wants to meet me. Well he lives 7 hours away but it might work cuz he is moving down the winona next summer. I told Brittany that i didnt what to what that long to see him, she told him and he got upset. Brittany said that she was going to talk to him and i hope things work out. Love always, Cassandra
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Ummm......nice look. I really like the colors.
