(116) New Day

Ok so last night I had this great idea that i bet won't work, ok so here it is. I thought I could have a work list for the kids I babysit and and see if that would work. And if they do what the list say then they get a star. And if the sheet gets full then I will go out and buy them a toy. I was not sure if it would work. Well I told the kids about it and it worked. They clean and I have a schule they go by. They like the idea. But it worked today...will it work tomorrow??? I really don't have much to say but I'm going shopping and buying me a movie. The movie "Ice Princess" I have not seen it but umm I am a figure Skater to I bet I will like it. I'm a Figure Skater goin on 9 years. I Love You Dustin!!! xoxoxo ~Cassandra
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