(134) Life

Life as I know it is going great. I Love it. I have it better then a lot of people. Which a lot of kids don't find it out until they are older. Well my friend made a entry in her diary about one of her child hood memory's and it was hard to read. If you wanna read about it, her diary name is britni6 and I guess it is a good reasion for her to move all the way to her dads to get out of the house. I miss her like crazy but it was better for her to go. I miss you Brittany! I Love you Dustin! xoxoxo ~Cassandra
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My sitdiary is for my site that I am currently working on!
It's adoration because I think that's such an awesome feeling, to be adored. It's like you're a Goddess =)

It's adoration because I think that's such an awesome feeling, to be adored. It's like you're a Goddess =)

i really need to talk to you call me asap..i need you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!