49- Is it the end of the world??

I'm a dork so I'm gonna talk sciency stuff today. How does everyone feel about the fact that our Poles (north and south, d'uh) have a nasty habit of swapping around every 650,000 years or so?? We're about 30,000 years overdue and it's starting already, the Poles are shifting at a speed of 20-30km every year. Meaning it will shut down the magnetic fields that protect us from the UV light for at least 100 years, so we will all get crisped into ashes in a matter of seconds when we go outside for a stroll. Due the shifting rate, this is predicted to happen sometime in 2012. Lovely.
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Yes, So I've heard, Nostradomous and the aztecs predicted the end of the world in 2012 from a colliding planet x soon to cross paths with our solar system. Funnnnnnn....
just found this: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080624175310AA2cVdF
another viewpoint, at least ;]
the mayan calendar runs out in 2012, so there are all sorts of theories corresponding with that year that suggest the 'end of times'; i think it's just another part of that.