I am Jack's naked statistics.

Listening to: Sound of my heater.
Feeling: wacky

Hello Monkey socks!

Time for lectures! I'm still in bed, and so is Kelly :P

I just said I was gonna wear the same outfit as yesterday minus everything everything I wore yesterday, so I either go in a completely different outfit, or I go to lectures naked. Hmmm, that'd make stats a little interesting, but no, shuttup brain, I am wearing clothes.

I need a good long nap or something, I'm tired ): <-- from all the sex I've been having.


Need to go to tescos, need to get stuff to make sandwiches with and some mushrooms and some bolognese sauce thing. And some cheese. And some milk.

This entry is rapidly turning into a shopping list, so I'm gonna hop out of bed and get dressed. (or undressed) NO, NO, NOOOO, stupid brain and its brainess.

Rightyoh, funkydory!

Peace out



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