I am Jack's rambling nonsense!

Well, in less than two weeks I shall recieve a less than gentle push into adulthood, I will have quite a few things to learn and no doubt I will be knocked on my ass quite a few times... You know what makes me smile? My mum's more scared than I am xD to tell you the truth, I'm not scared at all, I think I'm ready and I've got things sorted, I know I won't be in need of anything, it'll be like being at home, only I'll be in a house with complete strangers and having to look after myself... So... not like being at home at all... But I guess that will be my home |: which is a weird thing to think about... but hey! Tis life! I've already met some girls from my course, so it's not like starting COMPLETELY from scratch! (: Which I'm quite happy about! Trying to sort out a house, and been sending loads of emails, I hope I get the one where the landlord's name is Brenda (X I WANT THE ROOM WITH THE DOUBLE BEEEDDD!! I just wish I hadn't wasted so much time being stubborn, looking back now, I wish I'd spent more time with some friends I haven't spoken to in a while... Instead of waiting for them to make the first step... But I just though Why should I always have to be the bigger person? Why should I always have to be the ones to make it all okay? and I didn't bother, but it's all trivial now, things won't be the same, but that doesn't mean they won't be better (: Anyway, I will ramble to you again some other time (: Adios! Von Dakky -- The Scientist xx
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