I am Jack's pituitary glands.

La dee La

YO! Catch up sesh for all my wonderful fans (LOL jk)

Neuropsychology is actually kinda fun (: reading the revision things out loud kinda makes me feel like I'm in an episode of House! :D

Me and Bambi have an interesting wager on the Italy v Portugal results should they play together in the World Cup :P he's gone out to buy some pasta sauce and some mushrooms (: it's well cool, he's been up here for nearly four weeks and it's been awesome :] can't wait for Portugal times! :D AAHH!! PORTUGAL TIMES!!!

Hmm, kinda gotta focus on finishing (and passing) these exams first, but damn it, who's bright idea was to have cognitive psych and neuro psych exams on the same day? They are the hardest modules and the exams are one straight after the other, marvy.

Six days and I'm finished, six days and I'm back home in Reading, and then need to get a jobbyjob and scrape up some money for the hols... Might do a lot of demonstration calls, should be piss easy to do, and getting paid £85 a day is something I don't mind at all :P problem is the work isn't regular so I need a proper job too...

(: I'll figure it out!

Time to get back to this wonderful, exciting, Neuropsychology revision... Maybe I'll grow a beard like Hugh Laurie's, develop a limp and buy a cane. Maybe. (wHoOp!)




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