I am Jack's early morning :)

Shite. Have you the slightest idea how long it's been since I've been up before twelve!? And then all of sudden "MORNING!! We shall wake you up ridiculously early today!" Internet here is rather stone-age-ish (yes because cavemen sat around all day checking their friend's facebook status' rather than hunting for food, I'm right, History is wrong. MWAHAHAHA!?) Shit, I'm a little dizzy from lack of sleep... OHOHOHOH!! My cousin's coming back down with me to Albufeira and then she's coming with me to England for two weeks :D funkydory much!? I luff her, she is truly a legend! Ballsack, Madrinha (what we call my nan) has just walked in and is insisting I 1)get away from the sun (I'm inside, bless her)... and 2) that I eat some breakfast because otherwise I'll starve and die... (: She's lovely... He hasn't come to see me and I've given up on thinking that he will, but then again, my hopes were never dangling pretty high, high enough for it to sting slightly but not high enough that I don't get over it fairly quickly, brush it off and walk on, right? You are my life's biggest disappointment BLAH It is boiling hot here, hotter than in Albufeira which is just plain weird... and all these old ladies keep coming up and kissing me in the face ): They say they remember me from when I was just an ikkle girlie and how much I've grown... One of them turned around to my cousin in the middle of one of our walks and said "Wasn't that Tita and Neca's daughter I saw with you yesterday?"... I was stood right next to her... (btw, Tita and Neca is what they call my parents, like... pet names if you will...) but anyway, that was "aunt" Liberty, quite sweet, but not quite with it... Anyway, I am being force fed some bread, so I really have to go now!! It really is beautiful here!! Love you all muchly and all that Jazz! xXx
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