I am Jack's happy heart.

Happiness is not a fish that you can catch.

Why must you drift through life thinking to yourself “one day, I’m going to be happy”, open your eyes, you’re wasting your time.

Happiness is not a destination, it’s not a permanent state of being that you will reach eventually in life and stay there, it doesn’t work that way; happiness is an emotion. Guess what? This is your life, and sometimes it’s happy, sometimes it’s sad, sometimes it’s aggravating and other times it just downright sucks, but that’s okay! Stop taking the little things for granted, when you feel happy, cherish it, soak it all in, roll around in it, shove it in your goddamn face and say “Hello world! Today, I do not care for the shit you insist on throwing at me for I am happy”. Whatever it is that triggered it, a song, a smile, a picture, a book, it doesn’t matter, just take it, thank the magical unicorn of all things that are happy and wonderful and get on with it. I’m not saying it’s not okay to be sad, unfortunately, it’s a part of life, but stop living in this deluded fantasy that you’re making your way towards happiness, and when you reach it, it will be blissful, because it just doesn’t bloody-well happen that way. If you’re not happy about something, then change it, because just in case you haven’t caught on yet, no one else is going to change it for you.

Fucking hell, if you’re short on topics to make you feel glad of the life that you have, just think back a couple of hundred years ago, when people were dying of the plague and there was no clean water to drink and freedom of speech didn’t exist, and there was no such thing as internet porn.

There is a possibility that you only live once, and when you die, that’s it, finite, the end, curtain call, exit left, nothing else. If that’s the case, do you even know how lucky you are to be here in the first place? Thousands of possibilities could have played out to ensure that you were not born, and yet, here you are, reading this very journal entry. You are a lucky bastard. Don’t waste your time trying to reach something that you’re never going to get to; sometimes you’re going to be happy, sometimes you’re not.

The mother-fucking end.

Much Love


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