(87)The Game-for Aaron

Friday the 19th- A Gruelsome game was held at the Barranca park on Friday. One of the most amazing in all of these past two days history. A rivalry between the two teams had began before the game had started. Nathan, a small but fast little guy had apparently almost knocked one of the other player's(Joe's) cock off. this was only the start of the surly comments between the two teams. The excitement was in the air as the two teams tramped on to the field. The game was one of the closest we've seen in awhile. touchdown after touchdown made the crowd excited and angsty. Sohail, one of the key players on one team was cramping after the first few minutes,..but even so he was able to keep himself going to bring his team to victory. The losing team,..by far the greatest, had the most amazing players. There was Aaron of course, who made one of the best touchdowns of the game. i had a first hand look at his amazing catch into the endzone, and trust me it was awesome. after he left was the turning point of his team's loss. Joe, the mvp, gave his team all he had. he was the reason why the game was so close even after losing a valuable player. He also contributed to the amazing touchdowns. His touchdown was by far the best. After many grass stains, men rolling around on top of eachother, and a pig's skin being thrown around, the game was tied and one more score would determine the game. To Joe's dismay the other team scored first and their victory had been declared. However, he held his head high and faced his loss with a grin on his face and a sore body to account for the event. All in all the game was very exciting and they even had this awesome chick providing music on the sidelines! As the sun set, the players headed off the field feeling accomplished and sore and thinking about the memories they had made. Even Aaron had some church chick tell him he was hot,...it was magnificent.
Read 32 comments
if im always neg. then so be it thats how i want to live my life and i dont care if u dont like it..u dont have to worry about me i dont need your pitty i never asked for it..ive said it before and ill say it again i dont give a fukk if im shallow. if joe&u werent together it would be very diff. right now.u jus cant see the other side.so i guess u were pretending the whole time..not a very good friend there..o wait were we every really friends?
all the cool guys kiss
that's what
hows your aspen?
sammy got the room...i knew she would...fuck it
oh man thats the best idea!
you tell me of a show
and ill call it :)
ehehe your guys are way hotter
ummm yeah a fair few have long hair here
but dont american guys too?

love hannah
awe thanks..I hope so too..

ehehe yes i do live in australia
and i dont have an accent, you do! eheh
yeah its nice here
you should come sometime
ehehe i feel the same way about you americans
your accents are to die for
and trust me
you have way better looking guys than us, your lucky!

love hannah
ur not on aim though!!! :(
lol precisely...that is who my penguin is..my perfect someone..and he will be my husband whom I'll give my virginity too..and much more.
yes it will..when I'm married. tis the only way I will..I'm saving myself for my future husband..

lol thanks..the funny part is I don't even have sex..so..there is no drive..but hey, guess when I do..right? and I last 5 hours or so in bed as well..so it says..lol good stuff...fun little quizzes..take care.

the ramones! haha

yeah where have you beeeeeen??

lol agreed.
its the ignorant way to spell fuck and u dont have to tell me things i already know cuz i know i cant spell and i dont give a fukk ill go far in life with out it
aidos cuz i dont give a fukk
i dont care if it affects people.. saty away for all i care.. i have plenty of other friends that i porb. treat better i thought i could trust u but obvesiously not.. and i love being ignorant ..
i live in australia
and the driving laws suck ass
ahh radio is still good
at least you get first choice

that football match sounded good
it sounded like a proper article review
your should be a journalist
ehehe :)

love hannah
well im the only hero around superman got messed off of kryptonite so hes dead
banana! ur silly
i jus bregin the truth out in things and no happy happy joy joy like fukkin people who dont want to see the plain truth i might over react but its for a good reason even if it doesnt seem like it to u. i think ur the fukkin one who needs a grip and think about what ur doing... jess was right about the "first boyfriend" katies the only one who stays true
and like i said before i have no need to talk to u anymore
i always fukking try and talk to u.. i say "jax" and u jus keep kissing joe.. u prob. dont even notice cuz ur so focused on hime. i dont fukkin whine all the time i keep most things to myself that u dont even know of and if i told u u would say i was whining..i have no need to talk to u anymore
jess and there is no one else she jus being her stupiud self like always im not going to take it anymore she treats people like shit and u know it.. maybe shes doesnt.. and no i wouldnt leave joe out of it cuz when i come over at break i satrt to talk to u and then u jus leave me there to go and kiss with joe and crap so how the hell am i supossed to talk to u then?!
jax ive liked u from the start and we r friends but u've jus been pissing me off latly cuz it seems like u dont care anymore and its all about joe
ugh my whole comment didnt show up the other day so i said u made that game sound all pro ^^^
hahaha what a great story!
hey sorry for being a bitch i was just having a really bad day but ya i think ill pass next time i was doing sum quizzes i found on the internet and i got most of them right so wtv ill just do the quiz again when its closer to when i have to write it, my parents wtv they have been fighting for years its about time n i was at a club last nite n bran kept on checking up on me it was really cute i think we will get back together wb ciao ciao xoxoxox
haha ya i guess i snapped and now im recouporating << spelled that wronge.. anyways what this game all about haha i made it sound all pro.
lol I know..guess it happens to the best of us eh? ah well..take care

Yeah I totally know what you're talking about, cuz they did it to me, THREE times in one day..I needed stuff I didn't know I needed..the first time I went to get my permit..it was so horrible..they made me cry out of frustration..i seriously hate them with a passion and I'm not one to use the word hate much..I don't like it, it's too strong of a word..anyways..take care..

looked at anna and she was picking her nose and then looked to see if anyone was looking then she like secretly sticks her finger in her mouth it was so disgusting. i was like eugh what the hell. it was so nasty. but yeah ok well ill ttyl!!! ♥ justine ♥ i love you!
heyy omgosh omgosh i hung out with josh on friday and today and we might even hang out tomorrow and i like him soo much jackie...it is insane i feel bad for nick but you know hes not here for another 7 months and yeah... lol well i will write you either tonight or this weekend i promise lol. but yeah omgosh it was soo sick in art on firday korey wrote me a note shes like "i just caught anna picking her nose and eating her boogers!" and like i loo
Great Entire, The symbolism you use... A tear almost(almost) ran down my cheek, Good job. Great Game Also. To bad we lost!