lazy days.

Feeling: complacent
so its sunday,...nothing really going on. im home alone with the demon child and the constantly barking dogs. i have to fold clothes and do homework. blah. i saw white noise with my love last night. it was pretty good. i was realizing how wierd my dreams are. lately ive been having some crazy ones that last for hours. maybe its the last few minutes before i go to bed where i stare into my lava lamp amazed by the green goo that gets my imagination going. my love is watching football for six hours today, so happy that it will be over soon!! so then i can have him all to myself! my diet is going well. i havent eaten anything chocolate for a while- i dont know how i go on. ive been going on bikerides among other things,..boy do those seats take a toll on your ass. it hurts more to sit on the bike then to actually pump my legs and what not. meh,..hopefully all of this works. fucking dogs are barking again,....
Read 7 comments
Haha, thanks for the comment. I like the Han Solo picture by the way, and I have a green lava lamp too. That's a weird coincidence. Anyway, how's it going?

hey sugar! how are you? um yeah so im jsut hanging wiht aaron sp yeah wish we couldv'e hang this weekend but we were both busy so yeah love oyu anyways yeahthis is your bff jesica!
im not a fish im a man not a fish im a homoeerctus did i jsut say homo? i didn't mewan that! love jess
lol im totally in love with my ex mike! hes like iono hes everything to me and it sucks cuz he doesnt feel the same way like i hate it so much i just wish things were how they were before u know? that would be fantastic! yeah lol there arent two different guys i like just totally confused myself my ex is the one who i love n he shows me like alot of signs he calls me everyday we flirt alot hes always trying to like hold my hand and stuff but im
so confused like it totally sucks ass id otn know what to do:( yeah its true about bestfriends n guys but bestfriends are easier to love lol because guys are so confusing and never tell u whats on their mind! i hate guessing it totally annoys me but with my ex i guess i have no choice u know? anways yeah write back love ya lots xoxox
Things are going pretty well with me. I'll be leaving for college in September I think, so I still have a while before I leave. The band is doing okay I guess. We haven't played together in a while though so we're out of practice. But hopefully we'll record a new cd before this school year ends.

ya. i love my car. how have you been?