what a day, what a day

Listening to: nonpoint
Feeling: ungrounded
friday.. but still shitty.. eh whatever.. nothin new.. i need something new.. someone new or a new form of happiness... but the mono is gonna fuck up intoxication of any kind.. and if i find someone new.. guh i won't so it doens't matter.. here because u want me not because your caught in my stare im so cold... im always cold.. when is katie coming back.. i miss her.. i miss last year.. when shit was carefree... afterschool, emily would smoke us up, fridays, we'd go to the mall and down cough syrup and try to remember what happened until wednesday when the cravings came.. which we fought with emily's help til friday.. in art katie would become my shrink and we'd fight over how i never really loved my parents (they blame joe for that, but i'm still not shure why i fucking hate them) and why jesus is real and other made up gods like the egytpian ones aren't... if one's real why not the other? hell it;s just another easter bunny.. anyway back then.. it was easy.. nothing else really matter and we didn;t care.. we we were simple and happy... this year emily's gone, katies gone, dex has lost it's charm and i don;t think i enjoy it anymore, weed;s a chore... and nothing makes us happy.. us, me whatever... sheeit how can i get it all back? how did i lose it all in the first place??
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i wish you came to the show it was sooo freakin awesome. john gave me a card that said 'fuck george bush'. AAIAIAIAI