shuffle off to buffalo...

Listening to: girls in a coma
Feeling: content
so my weekend was actaully more interesting that i had thought it would be. i did end up going to the show. kevin, luke, myself and pat walked 2 miles to get amande, which consisted of seeing her new nip piercings: nicely done. then to kevin's brother's empty house to raid the fridge of labbat. then the walk back to see some crazy bands and more kids than i have ever witnessed at east coast. there were beer cans eveywhere... that must have been a bitch to clean up. poor cook. the police showed up. ironically, they were cops on bikes and every in attendance at the show was there for the BMX competition the next day. so lets think about it: old cop on mountain bike, youngin on bmx bike. who would be able to obtain the distance and speed that one would want? i'm gonna go with the kids. they are sick riders on the course, so on the streets, the cops were almost useless. saturday consisted of watching the bike compition, which was quite amazing at some points. i don;t do any of that, but the things these people could do with a bike were things i never thought possible. then to allison's birthday party, which was a very nice party. good food, good people, good time. =) was there until about 11, and then i proceeded to jeremy's party. there were people i did not know there who seemed quite nice, tho i never did catch their names. jessy, nick and jesse also stopped by. it was nice to see her again. i have missed her quite a bit since she has left M-E. =/ and even tho i had hoped against the not-so-random-anymore making out, it did happen. you'd think i'd learn eh? but just as i always have, i go back. tho i am told to some extent that this episode might not bring the backlash of the others. and my night ended on an up note that was not left to self destruct it has been before. we shall see what happens next. i also had somewhat of a heart to heart with tom, as he told me about his reactions to girls' games and such. he's very nice when he is drunk, at least as i have seen him, and recommend him to any girl who has her head on straight. =) and he says i never do anything to find him a girl. so that was my weekend in a nutshell. a busy one... yet quite enjoyable.
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And so it begins :)
Hahaha. I love your top left picture.
