bagels are good

Feeling: euphoric
suess stuuf = hell. this play is not fun. this is a play on acid. nothing makes sense. it melts from one story to another but somehow it;s all tied together with gaudy costumes and rancidly bright colors. like some one ate a box of crayolas and puked on this stage. sigh. the kids at my schoool are disgusting. there was a bomb threat yesterday. but that happens. what makes me hate them today is what happened with the kids. the suessical thing had a coloring/drawing/poetry contest for elementary kids. their work was hung up near the auditorium. on the back, they had their names and phone numbers so that they could be contacted if the won er w/e. some students thought they'd be cool and call these kids and threaten them and/or their parents. so we had to remove all the cute drawings and stories. argh. way to be assholes M-E. so now i must go sell my soul to dr seuess and bob..
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Hey, look! It's a hot Emma thing! Man, [b]I'd tap that.[/b]
your little kitty is cute

hey cool diary. that top left pic is funny haha.