
Feeling: wrong
i had a really sad dream last night. i don't know hwo to explain it. there were three cats, a mother, an adolescent, and a newly born kitten, like 2 days old or something. i was at my old house, in the dining room, under the table with the cats. it hurt b/c we had reallly bad floors. u always had to wear shoes to avoid slivers. eventually u just got callouses and couldn't feel anything. but on hands and knees with cats, slivers kill palms. anyway, the kitten was runnning around blindly.. looking for its mother. the morther was old and wouldn't move to help the kitten.. well.. she tried but really didn't help very much. the middle cat just sat and watched with interest, trying to take it all in and understand what was going on.. it wasn't that the cat was stupid it just like wanted to know all parts of the situations .. idk .. it had the same look on it;s face as when my cat tries to figure out electricity when i plug in the blowdryer or something. then they were all above the table.. and i didn't know such.. so im chasing the littlest kitten, and finally catch it and put it under the table with a black fuzzy shape. which turns out to be a random dog just chillin in my house. so i freak and chase it some more til i finally get the kitten again and i bring it to the mother. the little kitten runs over to her and snuggles in. but.. the mother gently turns over her offspring and lovlingly gauges out its entrails, killing it. almost like she killed it for it's own good. after all my work to save such a small thing i thought to be so important, it;s killed off anyway.
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oh my god that is the saddest thing i have ever herd. very wierd, and hopefully not prohpetic. i wonder what freud would say. =(
hey omg my nick name is emmie!! i love your profile its so interesting!!
hey thank you i like your diary to!! i love how you spell your name i spell mine like Emmie xoxo mwah Emily