To clarify any country bumpkin confusion, the above is an international codename for how I spent 1/6 of today. With the tenacity like that of Gloria Steinhem, I slammed the alarm clock buzzing 5:45 AM then miraculously dragged myself from a equinoxal slumber to the confines of Irmo High School. For the first time in a long time, I was early. Hah, eat that, reputation. The proctor parted the sea of Duke scholars as evident by their timid, middle school nature, and the old high school sages into groups along the wall. I felt like a member of a half-baked plot . Especially since I had watched the Parisian police line student revolutionaries to execute them uncermoniously. It made me cringe. Refocusing my test-taking mindframe, I walked single file to the "chamber." Thanks college board- three math sections back to back. The new item on the Zestos menu should be Fried Brains a la Lauren. Verbal was a breeze. Note to self: Banana and peanut butter sandwiches should NOT be consumed while writing a government essay, not to mention a sit diary entry.
Read 4 comments
the grasp of words exquisite! as usual!

man am I glad to be done with the SAT. forever. don't worry, you'll be there soon.

three maths in a row, huh? don't worry, that means one of them gets thrown out.
three math sections back to back? i would've died. a lot.

whoa hey I took the SAT on the 24th too...
i'm glad you liked it :)
