Persistence of Time

...has channeled a diversion but i write regardless. Jump Little Children has dropped Little Children and is now Jump. The name change is not for the VH1 music video countdown hosts, the googley-eyed fans, the dyslexics, nor the music label; Jump wanted a fresh image, plainly and matter-of-factly. While it may create a stir, the energy generated from their concert crowd is much greater and most dedicated fans can accommodate cutting two words for guaranteed sound-bytes. Shortly after the release of their new album Between the Dim and the Dark, a friend bought my ticket for the April 22 show in Columbia; watch out musical groups, a Lexington choral student is on the case! To ordain myself for pre-concert energy, I ordered a cylindrical can of liquefied adrenaline commonly known as Red Bull. I was ready to sway, I was ready to swing, I was ready to be baffled by the beauty of instruments and vocals. But this was not the case. Instead of scruffy, attractive Jay Clifford at the mike, there was an upbeat, plaid-shirted garage band junkie adjusting his duct-taped guitar strap. He was lead singer of The Features who headlined for Jump. Pluck, pluck, pluck- dada, hip shift, smiley snarl, big sound, microphone moaning, intense beat, silence. After the headline gig, I wandered to the purchase counter to peer into the intellect of the ruffian drummer and buy buttons for a future collection of emo-kid memorabilia. While I was frantically gulping the last mote of Red Bull, the Jump drummer walked across the pit, picked up his alcoholic beverage, and was returning backstage until I complimented his trendsetting, European-inspired footwear. At last, the magic began. At last, I recoiled the tension from schoolwork. At last, I made my way to the upstage and stared into the box-framed eyes of the cellist. Music ebbed in my ears as I jaywalked across Gervais Street to the car and it made the perfect lullaby as I drifted to sleep hardly caring if the musicians had a name at all.
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Non. Je regret de te dire que je ne lui connais pas. Je dois te dire aussie, que je ne prends pas l'examen de Francais cette annee, mais l'annee prochaine, je le ferai.
I can't exactly call myself a francophone...I'm in no way shape or form fluent, and not really familiar with the literary tenses. I'm actually only a third year student (or, by university standards, ending my first year).
ahhhh!!! the lankiness!!!!!

Honestly, all I do is ramble about whatever the hell manages to pop itself into my head. America has crappy license plates. I want to move somewhere cool where I can have a cool license plate.
Hey It's Megan B. from Concert Choir! Just sayin hi!
lookit elephant.
amnesty is an organization for the protection of human rights worldwide. I do reccomend you check out oh, and the problem with glue, is that i have to be able to take them down after the meeting.
Bluestocking? Hmmm...I don't know if that's good or bad.

I'm an English major. Evil, evil, English literature major.

Have a great day.
