Spring Is in the Aiiiiiiir

Feeling: active
I am almost ashamed to show my proverbial face on SitDiary because so much time has elapsed since my last entry, but I must recommence somewhere. Spring is everywhere, and I have caught a fever, energizing, mobilizing, stimulating. I know spring break is designed to liberate me from school work and stressors,though the entire semester starting when Papa died to present has been virtually detendue. Senioritis is a major factor, I have been accepted to one of my reach schools (American U) and instate (College of Charleston) and have taken the intitiative to fill out several scholarships, though Palmetto Fellows and Presidential cover all costs including tuition, housing, and a 50/50 meal plan. This time before breaking away is what I call an "incubation period". Like the small oval eggs cradled inside a warm yellow-toned glass terranium, I am there, forming my yolk before I hatch, preparing to greet a new world.
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how do i put you on my friends list?
cause i'd really like to!
curses i forgot to sign in!
tis me,
have you heard from U chicago?
hi i'm lola nice to meet you ya i'm hyper