Play it Again, Sam

Feeling: upside-down
So, checking the counter for todays mail.. I found no acceptance letter, no advertisements, no glossy papers, no Christmas cards. Until, suddenly I saw that Mom had left a note saying she was out and about running errands in town. I took my furball for a walk to the mailbox. Opening the flap, I saw it. There nestled between a Victoria's Secret magazine and a CitiBank bill! I supressed my anticipation, forcing myself to wait until I was inside to rip it open rigorously. Shreds of paper flying mid air, I tore the official seal and confirmed my hopes. Yes, congratulations to me! Too bad celebrating is postponed. Major drama triangle between Susanne and her family conflicts, our family, and the AYUSA coordinator. Worst case scenario? She leaves at Christmas, which would be depressing around the holidays.
Read 3 comments
hey there, i like your diary, very cool!! :)

you forgot to tell us which college accepted you!
Yes, where did you get accepted? I'm curious.