Night Time is the Right Time

Listening to: Ray Charles
Feeling: burned-out
Mid terms grades are over. I am still enrolled. No serious scars really, I think I can do better in Politics and Theater as long as I take more cohesive notes. Detoxing, beginning training for a local road race in December, and may be moving into La Maison Francaise, a language learning community. Plus it's in a historic house. I never thought I would get hit on at a school where the male/female ration is 3: 10. I was at a birthday party with Max and everybody had been drinking (most of them were from Holland and Germany or South America and were legal) and somebody turned on salsa music. I grabbed the guy nearest to me, and it was a Brazilian guy named Arthur. Later we were both in the kitchen talking about past relationships when he leaned in and tried to kissed me. I pushed him away and explained I was already in a relationship with somebody who I loved very much, that i would never want to hurt him by some infidelity issue. I don't see why people enjoy getting drunk and try to meddle in other peoples relationships. He understood but his drunkedness definitely impaired his judgement. Max and I had a very deep conversation about parents and upbringing. I hope we grow closer as friends.
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i liked very much seeing you when you came up with shankle.
glad charleston is treating you well. I want to see you again soon. thanksgiving mabes?