Left Brain/Right Brain

Einstein's autopsy revealed abnormalities in the size of his central cortex. They concluded this has an impact on genius capacity. To think beyond one realm and seamlessly coordinate information between the two lobes produces a higher plane of thought. Interesting though, he could not tie his own shoe laces. I think this is why I may be drawn to science illustration. I can't tie my shoelaces either. No, what I really mean is that I know I can do many things- and I do them well. In recognition of this ability, my mentors have over the years lived their dreams through me. I have never stepped outside of my ambitions to ask crucial questions like "Is this what me, I, myself want to do?" Because I know this is what so-and-so desires for me to do and this path would guarantee entrance to a graduate school. But I have never stopped to consider I was pursuing my ambitions for the wrong reasons (eg, glory, money). I would however like to be successful in whatever I do. Full realization of my goals will never happen though, unless I retrace these plans of action to their point of origin. The first step is deciding what I really want. PhD in Geology? in Painting? Associates Degree in Science Illustration? Medical Degree? As disconnected from reality as this may sound, I am in a unique position where the wealth of opportunities poses more ambiguities than it does afford an easy choice among equally viable options because I simply am too inclined to pursue all of them.
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