Your love is gonna drown

Feeling: frustrated
I've been wondering lately that if I knew everything, if there would be any point to life anymore. You have gained all of the knowledge in the world- what else is there left to gain? Not only this, but most cultures/ religions view life as the attainment of knowledge through one's means. If you know everything, what else is there to life? I've been thinking about it, and the only thing I have come up with is love. No matter how much knowledge or intelligence, we as humans will always have one thing to strive for- love for ourselves and for each other. No amount of knowledge can help speed this process. Sure, it wont make love hurt as much, but if things were easy- what would be the point in doing anything in the first place? Let's hope so anyway. In other news, I had a really good day yesterday. But as of late, I've been really overanalytical and sensitive to everything and I think I need emotional healing.
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6 days left of breakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. this is unfortunate.
I never get tired of people with faulty logic. How wonderfully irrelevant to the point you were making by adding the sunshine bit. I'm guessing you've already got me stereotyped as a basement nerd. but to the point, the public guillotine? ooo sounds dangerous. Not nearly as dangerous as overthrowing your government to make change actually happen and truly risk your neck in the guillotine, like the french revolution.
It's a rather simple fact, Karl Marx noticed it. Change doesn't happen through peace. My writing wasn't a protest it was an observation. But you can keep protesting if you want, I can't argue with a brave risk taker like yourself or the people you support. I mean it's considerably more dangerous than me joining the army. Which is something I did. You know making change in a political system.
excuse me? Do you live in a cave. If you hadn't noticed on the news but americans are currently trying to change society a great deal. Someone elses society. How are they doing it? Through force. How has every other nation done it? Through force. How are people trying to stop this war? through peaceful protest. Have they succeeded? No. Don't bother with ghandi, there's exceptions to everything. we don't live in absolute.
ya those natives didn't have any blood, good thing too or the change to government and those in power would be just the same.