have my own conversation

As stupid as it may sound: I'm tired of feeling, and above all- I'm tired of thinking. I'm tired of wasting all of my time thinking of reasons why certain things happen the way they do, and the feelings behind the actions. For once, I don't want to think about what is left unsaid and what should be said. Reading between line after line, deciphering any sort of message that seems to fit in where I like it to, and all too often being far wrong then I think I am. Maybe the situations change, but the feeling never did. It's always there, hanging around like some dying cloud, just wrapped up with a different colored bow. Differences aside, it still hurts. It hurts a lot- self-inflicted or otherwise. I know, pathetic.
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Indeed, our views are quite different. I guess I consider myself balanced--I am both pessimistic and optimistic. I understand that everyone dies but I don't think about it too much. I know that no matter what there will always be bad in the world; but it's just easier to move on.

Think of it this way, Garrett. (What sort of nickname is there for you? I can't call you Gar, that just reminds me of Gwar. I can't all you Rett, that's just odd)
Sometimes, people think things are more complex than they are. It's like, Rubick's Cube syndrome...They are addicted to making everything extremely difficult and complicated and suffering through realizing that it wasn't all that difficult anyway. If you didn't spend time thinking or caring, then you might as well be a bug. Bugs don't think, or care. That's what makes us human: thinking and caring. What would you do with your life? Just sit there
staring at a wall, being completely void? True, life would be a lot less painful if we didn't think or care... But then, we wouldn't be living. We'd just be void, thoughtless, uncaring bugs. And that's really not so fun. There is no strength without pain, and pain without suffering. A wise man once said that sometimes you have to pick your battles. And, it's a lot easier to force yourself to not care about some things and care immensly about
others. That's just how I see it, anyway. You can't think that this is it. Because if you do, it will be. And life is what you make it.

I'm free this weekend. We should do something fun.