stumble forth into the night

Feeling: organized
I've realized lately that I whenever I am in a seemingly bad or pessimistic mood, I get short bursts of optimism for today and tomorrow. I'm not complaining by any means, I think it's a nice alternative than the usual. But going on this topic, I know that things will get better- they always do. However, it's quite hard to remember this when one is in a pessimistic mood. I had band practice with Sean today after school. We have one song completed and finished, which is weird because I have never been in a band like this before. A band in which all members are actually devoted to accomplishing and completing full songs (well, it's only Sean and I but that doesn't matter). It feels good to actually be apart of something that is going somewhere. I'm really proud of the song too, it encompasses a lot of how I'm feeling right now. Granted, it's purely instrumental- but it reminds me of things that have happened, especially when this song was made during a good time for me. I guess that since this song's birth was out of good feelings, it's natural to say that this song makes me feel good. Not good because it's a great song, but good because it has a lot of sentimental value to me, and that makes the biggest difference in the world. Songs are only as good as you make them, but they have an amazing ability to draw up memories attached to them if any are present. I don't know, but I'm just glad that I get to be apart of something like this. And who knows, maybe other people will like the song too? To be honest, I really couldn't care what people think about it. All I know is that I'm happy with it, I'm happy with the feelings it gives me- and that's all that matters. Although it would be equally cool if someone were to like the song, because it's quite the compliment to a musician when people like your music. Tangentially speaking, I've forgotten how much I like Death Cab's Photo Album. Lately, I've been listening to a lot of the White Album. I had a phase during eighth and ninth grade where that album was the only thing I listened to. Everyone has had this phase, so you know how it feels. Needless to say, I know every song on that album by heart. Then again, I know most Beatles songs by heart, not to sound conceited or anything. But I'm getting back into that phase and it is making me reminisce about things during that time. Anyways, it's an odd feeling. I'm going to stop this entry before it goes on any more tangents, but I'm having good feelings about tomorrow and the following days to pass by and be subsequently crossed out on my calendar. Let's just hope it is with fond memories and not regret.
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yes yes. the white album. it was THE album of last year's second semester; and now it's THE album of january-for me at least.

glad to hear you are happyyyyyyy