
Feeling: dead
ANDY HURT ME AGAIN, we were talking online and he was being an asshole. he was saying shit about how he wishes he didnt know me, and what happened meant nothing to him. he wanted me to say goodbye forever. im still crying. i love him but i hate him. he was talking shit about me cutting, and blaming me for everthing bad that happens. he was calling me a slut, saying he only tryed to fuck me cuz i was a "huge nasty ugly fat slut". I AM NOT!!!!!ahhhhhhhhh!!!!im still a virgin, he knows that!!!! i want to kill myself, i already made the noose.god i need to say goodbye. BRANDI-i love you, i never meant to hurt you SAM L-your my best friend i will miss you so much, i love you and all youve givin me SAM P-im sorry im not stronger like you ALEX-i hate you goodbye CORY-you want this too so i hate you NATE-i love you, and trust you, i even ran to you when i was scared, im sorry, ill miss you most PAIGE-fuck you MOM AND DAD-this is your fault, your the reason im suicidal, go to hell and rot forever ANDY-i hate you i hate you a thousand times more, you told me to say goodbye well i am only this time its final, no coming around hurting me anymore, you know this is your fault, dont come to the funeral, and i no you want cry ot the news of my death.ihate you, i do. you have hurt me for the last time.
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it's not to late.. go tell someone.. i did and it saved my life