Early Thoughts

Feeling: aroused
Hey Nate and Xander get the whole nasty version of vermillion only because, well nasty demon sex is just nasty and dirty! Cute touching moment for the demon in question..seems Nate loves her and she loves Nate. Oh goodness, that poor demon and that poor human! It's really early and I'm killing time til I gotta drive Mum to work, I'm bored outta my mind and tired as fuck. Ginny doesn't work today, but yes, I'm driving mom to work because GINNY has a doctors appointment. Are we seeing the screwed upness to this? I am. AND!! I gotta pick her up too? What the fuck? Ginny can't even do that?! I guess not! I slept for like two hours yesterday from like 5 to 7 or something, granted my own fault, but I thought I'd have today to sleep! Mother fuck! And because I had the computer music on and TV on I just saw Wheezer and turned off the computer music so I could listen to "Beverly Hills" cause I really like that song, and it's just a random thing to type! Okay, so going out this weekend didn't happe, but it might next week, and I seriously don't know how to react with people, I sorta go withdrawn and shit. Hopefully I don't this time. At least I'll have my own car and could escape, have I already said this? Am I repeating shit already?! Why am I aroused? NONE YER DAMN BUSINESS! Other then good thoughts about good things that have happened before and that no one needs to know about!
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