
I believe that shall be my new name. Xander the Sneezer. I swear to fucking hell if I sneezed once today I sneezed a million times. And I know the EXACT reason for it! Apparently today was my day to have Dogee attached to my side, and getting up an hour and half earlier then I needed to be didn't help with that. Dogee has a way of knowing JUST when Gin is coming to wake me up, and before she can get out..DOGEE NO! he's through my door, up on the bed and rolling around over my head, on me, falling off the bed and jumping back up. It's really quite funny sometimes, because if I don't open my eyes quick enough it's sorta a suprise just where he's gonna hit. So today we lounged on the couch waiting to drive Gin to work, and of course, I end up sneezing later because of it. Later right? How about all freaking day! We haven't blown any blood on the monitor yet today, but if I do I'll keep everyone abrest of ongoing information. In fact, that very dog is at my feet at I type, and is wiggling around trying to decide where he wants to be, near my feet or on the bed. Just as long as he doesn't bite through another one of my phone cords I'm good. Mom's computer is in peices around me because i ganked her modem out of it to put into mine because I think I ruined mine. That would be just like me of course. And I gotta pack up mom's to take with me to the Summit so I can have Rye Bread look at it and hopefully fix it. This modem not working of course illicted a call to Nickie of..OH GOD WHAT DO I DO..she laughed and we spent the hour with me taking apart one computer and changing the modems. I also got sung the I Love You song from Barney by Lili so that made the day better. I CANNOT WAIT FOR JANUARY!!! Nickie..Rye BRead...NATE!!!! Ahh yes..five blissful days of vacation after the holiday. I sorta miss the boys whole second week off school! That ended up working really well in my favour. And now Dogee needs to go out, and I need soda so me and this rambling post are done.
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