Tired ....I think?

You know, the other day I was rubbing my hand against my knee and upper leg and ended up with a blue hand cause apparently when you do that for a long time, the blue of the fabric tends to become part of your hand. I gotta stop doing that I guess, but it's one of those new ticks I have developed. Well at least it's better than the twitchy eye I had for a long time. That shit was fucked up, other people could see it, that's not cool at all. I do believe my RP partner has just fallen asleep, which is pretty normal for this time of the morning, this is about when he tends to do that, I'll pick on him later for it of course. Speaking of the RP, Nate was proud of me that I made friends with his friend, who up until a few days ago didn't particularly like because of twitchy issues between the two of us. Turns out, both of us are just twitchy and nervous like that and it rubs the wrong way. Decided that 12 year old Emma shall be a Garou because nothing else fits, not even being just a normal mortal, she needs to have some explination for that rage, and that's it right there! Thinking Get of Fenris, because it SO fits, not that I think anyone knows or cares what a Get of Fenris is, but I like writing it! I just submitted my second entry to Retrograde which is my changed White Wolf logo. http://photoshop.retrogade.com/view.php?id=4063 I explain it all there and I don't feel like typing it all out again, cause I'm lazy and it's 8 in the morning. Granted I haven't been up all that long, but my teeth hurt and my head hurt and I took something, so the need for sleep is rapidly closing in, which is why I'm not so pissed that the RP partner fell asleep. Shadowyn Manor is back up and running for those that care to know, seems Mari was just sorta having a problem moving it over to the new server. I'll try to be in as much as I can and all that.
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Yup, I saw and it made me smile. ^_^ I'll try to be in as much as possible as well. *sends huggles to the Xan*