Could I be bothered?

Listening to: TV - Some movie
Feeling: aloof
Aloof, I rather like how that sounds when you say it..aaaaalooooooof. And yes you have to say it with all those a's and o's because that's really the only way it's fun, try it, you'll have fun I betcha! That cracked part of my tooth is finally nice and smooth and no longer sharp and bothering me when I feel it when I chew and all that. Which for me , is a good thing. And the pain is gone, because apparenly that tooth was the one that was painful, and the pressure of a crack in it made it hurt, but now that that it's nice and chipped, I'm all good! Cept I have a chipped tooth. Oh well, at least it's one of the back ones and all that. Picked at my arm, and finally got that nasty thing outta there. Apparently there was something in there with a huge infection. Hell I've had this fucking thing for over a year! I can remember picking at it last year when I was...well..when I was away. I just realized what I was doing a year ago. Fuck...why does that still hurt? How long does it have to fucking hurt until it's okay. Jesus fucking christ! Well this entry is done. I completely revamped the whole Emily and Uriel site, including adding the expecting page and changing the character pictures to new ones. I do this when I am bored because I just recently updated the Abby webpage as well, because I have nothing else to do? Eh, sometimes I do and sometimes I don't. I just end up doing it anyway. Worked on some new tutorials for Photoshop and all that and Nate's girl said that I should go into graphic design, to which I replied but I can't draw worth shit. And then after years of being confused, found out that graphic desingers don't draw anything really, but rather do what I have been doing already. Well fuck. At least I wasn't the only stupid one out there. Have no idea how to go about taking classes for that, or anything like that. Oh well.
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Hahaha! That's the field I'm studying!