About Things

So tonight I decided it was random things about Xander day, so here we go, they are as followed in no particular order I hate shampoo that smells like fruit. I really, really hate it. There is no reason for me to walk around like I'm wearing the Tuity Fruity hat. I don't like orange juice that has pulp. If I wanted to eat my juice I'd just go and get an orange. On December 1st I will celebrate the one year anniversary of the last time I hurt myself. 365 days is a long time to me. I still think about doing it. When I smile or laugh alot, I tend to put my hand over my mouth. It's just a reflex I have no idea why I do it. I sleep with a Big Bird stuffed animal. Before I got it, I slept with a pillow in my arms at all times. I used to have a really big insomnia problem. I was up all the time and would barely sleep a few hours at a time. Maybe 2 during two days and feel fine. Now I can't seem to stop being tired. I almost died while my mother was giving birth to me. My heart would actually stop during the peak of one of her contractions. They thought they were going to have to do an emergency c-section but they took too long and mom gave birth to me naturally. The lights in the room weren't even on. My mother's doctor was getting her mail at the time I was born. She actually tried to charge my mom for the delivery even though she wasn't there. If I was a boy I would have been named Roy Leo Moore Junior. Getting pregnant with me was a complete and utter accident. I wasn't planned in the least and I was a very big suprise. I've been hurt so bad in the past I don't think anyone is ever going to get all of me. I'll never open up completely again. I hold grudges for a very long time. I never completely forgive someone, because to do that I would have to trust someone. And I hate trusting anyone. I've had sex with three people. The first person I had sex with doesn't talk to me anymore, at all. That still hurts sometimes. I've had what I've wanted to do with my wedding since I was about 13 years old. I hate the summer because I hate being sticky hot. I hate sweating. I backed into a tree with my sister's car and completely wrecked the back fender on the driver's side. I hate backing the car out of parking spots because I don't trust myself anymore. I hate the mall. I only like to go for a few shops there. If they were all in a line I would be happy. My nickname in high school was Der. My nephews and my sisters still call me it on ocasion because it gets my attention quicker then Mandy. Well that's about it for that. Not very interesting but I was bored what can I say. I think everyone else should do it too.
Read 2 comments
*nods nods* That sounds like a good idea. Perhaps I'll do something like this too. Might help me realize a few of the issues I have, and god do I know I have issues. *tosses a big bag of cherry cordial kisses to ya* Happy Thanksgiving hon.
365 days is a long time... its only been a few months for me. i'm off and on, although i've been trying to quit for a long time. you are very committed.