
Why am I always updating when it's like way early in the morning? This is becoming a strange habit, but then again everything with me is a strange habit, so why would thisbe any different. Zac and jake's team is doing really well in football, only lost like two games or something..maybe it's only one, I don't know. I think they lost one I wasn't at. Last night was really cold, my nose was red for hours and dripping afterwards. Cheeks all red, it was pretty damn cold out last night, and there was some cold rain as well. I liked it though! Like the cold weather so much better then the hot! Devin's team is going okay as well, he plays on Weds and you gotta pay to get in, so I haven't been able to see as many of those as I would like. He isn't getting as many plays as I think eveyrone would like him to be getting, and he comes home from the games a little pissed off, can't blame him or nothing. My mouth hurts. Toothache or something. Actually I think it might be something in my gums because the pain keeps moving along my mouth, and I have a fever, which I think might mean I have something wrong with me, maybe an infection in my gums. I've had one there before..Strep gingivitus, it's very weird to have your gums swell up with little white pus pockets. Lets hope I don't get hurt anytime soon because I'm so full of asprin my blood has got to be thin. That and I wish people would stop having to go. I know there is this whole world out there called the REAL world and all, but it really hurts when people have to stop being in my world for awhile. It makes me cry sometimes. Even though I don't cry, but for some reason I do. But then I stop, because I don't cry. I'm not supposed to cry about anything.
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