Ouch..when did that happen?!

Feeling: apathetic
SO I chipped my tooth. I don't know WHEN I chipped my tooth, or even how (though I do believe it involved crunching down on some Gobstoppers before they were soft enough), but I have! And you know how I know I have? Well because I can feel it! It's all sharp and jagged where it wasn't so sharp and jagged at and there is now a space between the teeth that wasn't there before. It's my second to last tooth on the upper right top, right next to my wisdom tooth. So that really sucks cause I can feel it and I'm constantly rubbing my tongue against it now. It doesn't hurt, so I know I didn't chip it that bad, but one has to wonder how the fuck a god damn Gobstopper is enough to do that! Probably just my bad teeth. Chalk it up to one more problem, first the cavity that really hurts when I chew sometimes and now this. Hopefully it will become smoother soon or I am gonna be obessed with feeling at it with my tongue! (WOW..that sounded wrong) It chilled down here quite a bit, and I am SO not complaining! I don't even turn my fans off though, I just turn them away from me because I know that if I turn them off, that's gonna be the day that the sun comes back out and I wake up in an icky sticky sweat like situation that takes forever to cool down from. So I just leave them running and wear a sweatshirt to bed if I am cold. Becky, Emil and Zac are heading down to Cincy on Friday for a baseball tourny and I plan on escaping from this house up to Sam and Ken's because, well it's just easier for Mum and Gin. If I am gone then Devin can play the computer as much as he wants (online and what not) and they won't really have to worry about them. Jake is probably going to his grandmother's and even if he doesn't, he's easy to please and can find something to do by himself unlike Devin, (who has to start lifting to get ready for 8th grade football on Monday and Weds and is pissed off for being up so early on those days..I laugh) After they get back, Mum and Gin are heading down to St. Louis for the big ass anniversary party/ reuniion thing taking place down there. Do I feel bad about not going? Sorta. Getting drunk with the fam would have been kick ass, but then I thought about having to dress up for the really formal party and yea..I am so not gonna miss that. But I gotta drive them to the airport and all that, wonder if Becky would let me use her van, probably not but I can ask! I mean it has a CD player! Of course I wanna use that one! Baby Girl got fixed the other day and she's sorta mad at everyone, specially Ginny cause she took her in. I remember when Kit Kat had her own done and she was the same way so it's not a suprise for me. Becky feels icky about it because she's weird like that, but I am so not going there about that. The kittens are still here too, I think Ginny is having is REALLY having a hard time wanting to get rid of them because she hand raised them and all. Great kittens though, definately tell they are hand raised, they have no skittish issues with humans at all. They have been here so long that Xander is used to them and plays with them like he did Bogart, it's cute to watch. Maybe she's waiting until they are old enough to be fixed to find a new family for them, but I dunno about that. Alright, that's enough bullshit for now, time to head off to bed and finish watching my TV show and maybe fall asleep early tonight. Just because I'm bored and my roleplay is already dead for the night.
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