
I want to to go to the movies. It's a strange occurance when I want to leave the house at all, but today for some reason I'd really like to do it. The chances of this happening are slim to none and slim just left town. But still I thought it was noteworthy enough to mention. Why did I feel that was noteworthy? Cause the last time I left the house to do anything but pick up my mother and my sister and all that junk was months ago. Devin has a track meet tomorrow (yea, I forgot to mention that he runs track didn't I) and it's an invitational, which means he got an invitation to come run there, so I think some of us are going, I do believe me and Mum are along with his dad and maybe his mother, but I'm not so sure about Becky going. I got this sample in the maile of Dale and Thomans Popcorn, Chocolate Chunk N' Caramel and I can now say that I have a new favourite popcorn and I have been totally spoiled too all others. Too bad the shit is fucking expensive as all hell, but HEY! Oprah likes it! That's cause she can afford it. Go there to check it out. Great stuff, but like I said, expensive! Mine was a free sample and a pretty big one at that..6.8 ounces! I couldn't find the sample link when I went to the site again but if you dig around maybe someone else will? I have to read through my Kinfolk book some more so I can get a better handle on how to play M.C. my lovely little Fianna Kinfolk. And comically enough my little Garou Emmaline is coming along nicely, though getting attacked by BSD's SO needs to stop. One day she's gonna get shoved down that Spiral I am just not ready for it to happen just yet! Off to go finish my popcorn and watch stupid court shows before picking up Mum cause I was stupid and finished all the banner graphic work I had last night instead of pacing myself. Cause I'm silly that's why!
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