Im a bitch

Listening to: none :(
Feeling: depressed
I am a bitch.... And i am sorry to those that i am a bitch to... It's not intentional. I hate people... Not a few people or anything like that. Just people... they are so heartless. They do not care who they hurt just as long as they are looking good in front of their girlfriends *cough nanu cough* its disgusting how they do... Like Nanu he changes everytime he gets a girlfriend he made tiff cry during lunch today.... Sometimes i just wish wait i pray that people could change. That maybe they could open their hearts just a tiny bit i wouldnt want anyone to hurt themselvez, but maybe just show a lil bit of compassion. Maybe I'm asking too much maybe i expect too much from people... I didnt really think it would be that hard. If I can do it I'm sure otherz could... ~*Libby*~
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