
Listening to: Slow Jamz
Feeling: heartbroken
*sigh* I just dont understand ppl. It's like our main goal in life is to bring others down. And so many ppl do such a "great" job at it. It's just horrible and it breaks my heart to think about it. Like my friend Sally* (* = name changed) has been helping Bob* cheat on his girlfriend Cathrine* and Sally doesn't even really like Bob. And she hates Cathrine even though she doesn't know her. Ppl make me sick. Everyone just wants to stab everyone else in the back and try as i can i just can't understand why. I wish i got ppl. And i wish ppl would just "leave well enough alone" I mean it this world is filled with enough hate ppl dont have to be adding to it. I just feel like my heart is breaking thinkin bout it. I need to have lunch with mrs hartman :(
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I don't know why people act the way they do really..People are inheriently cruel because its so much easier than being nice I guess. Please don't let it get you down too much 'cause you know you can't really do anything about it.

Yeah, I'm being hypocritical. whatever. Wish I could tell ya about people but I'm in the boat with you. They're like a species within or something.man.
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