The Pantom of the Hospital

Feeling: orgasmic
i had to go to the Hospital like 2 nights ago at 5:00 am and my mom thought i was bullshiting her when i went into her room and told her i couldn't breath bearly. so finally she said "okay sit down and ill talk a look." well she took a look and whne she saw it she said "oh shit. yes we are going now." haha okay now later i found out that there was a hwoel about the size (in a triangle shape too) of the V on your keyboard. maybe a bit bigger for me to breath out of. yes i seriouasly thought i was going to ummm.... stop breathign for a bit maybe? anyways so we finally get to teh Hospital and teh dorrs are locked. im thinking oh shit! Then i spy a button that says 'Night Button' so we puch it.. Lady: "hello? can i help you?" Mom: "yes my duagters throat is closing up, is there a docter we can see?" BUZZZZZzzzzZZzzzzzZZzz yup so tehy let us in. at first they were pritty conserned then they startde dicing aorund takeign there time. in the 2 and some min that we were there it got worst twice. finally they took some blood (which im sure as most of you knwo i hate... im afraid of needles now and i never used to be...) anywyas so my breaths are so shallow... for exsaple try slowing your breathing down and try breathing really shallow while trying not to make your chest move... okay that is how i was breathing. sdcary eh? now trying doing that for hours. ya! it's scary. so we're sitting there and all of a sudden this eiree music starts to play from somewhere in the hall. it sounds like a zilaphone ta first but then i don't know what it is... so me and mom decided that it was the phantom of the hospital. when the doctor came in finallt to see me he asked who gave me my perscription (mine is different then what other peopel take because im intolerent to Penicilin. you could give me as much as you wantde and my body wouldn't react. so my mom showed him the heavy-doody pills and when she told him who gave me them he said "ummm... we don't have a doctor that works here with that name..." we both looked at each other. if i could talk i would have said "excuse me?" so im starting to get a little freaked now becuase if you had met this other "doctor" that never exsisted then you would be too. i swear he was on drugs him slef. he had a couple of screws loose up in his head. so finally we figure that theis doctor was stanidng in for someone. which is a big relief. my mom starts to reda this book that i like. it's about a kid and he always swindles peopel but he dose it so smooth that no one can say its a swindle. i think it's called "The grate Brain" or somethign like that. so as she is reaing it i try to go to sleep/.... my breaths even more shallow... and i few times i almost forget to breth. oh god is it ever horabile. so the tests come back and its MONO!!! Ashley has mono. wanan know somethign else? the only was you can get it they say is if you were kissing someone or your food was sneezed or caoughed in or you took a sip of someones drink. hmmm... kinda makes you wounder dosn't it? so Haydne is getting checked for it. The doctor gave me Steroids, so now im on Steroids and it actually makes me laugh. but it also keeps my toncils form being huge. take your two fingers and put them together... thats how big they were. they were pushing together. so i wnet home and got some drink thinger in me and took one of my steroids. and went to bed. it worked and later that day i think or the next day Matt, Terry, and Katreena all came over for one of mine and Terrys "Jam setions" and i basically just watched as hima nd Matt rocked out. it was alot of fun but i only let them stay for like an hour. and Hayden keeps calling and wanting to hang out but i don't think he understands that i get really sick, ushually sicker than most peopel with this kinds of stuff. while others will just have a sore throat i have to go to the hospital. *sigh* whatever* well Later Days! *~Ashley~*
Read 2 comments
i know what your going throught :(
aww hun im really sorry!!!!! eh, yea ya better watch out.

yea, my gay friend wade kissed me and licked me @_@ and Wicca is a religion i am Wiccan...

is that pic of you? cuz your beautiful!