yucky sushi

Feeling: sick
i ate my leftover sushi and i feel really sick, it could be the fact that i drank a bit lats night to get my mind off Garry and i. we had a huge fight again. and he, just like me is all flip floppy as to if we should stay together or not. i went out lats night with Krystal and her friend to back ally and stuff it was actually really fun. we went with her two friends.... there was this girl there and she was up on stage dancing and her face was not that pretty but her body was and her qass was hanging out hard core... and her pussy was about to slip out. it was pretty sweet. then i was crying in the bathroom about Garry and these two older ladies baught Krystal and i hooter shooters because they figured we shouldn't worry about guys and we were young and beautiful. haha they were awesome. and teh shooter girl was fucking cool because i asked if i could buy her a shot and she was sooo happy, she gave me a free shooter :) it was fucking kick ass and now im going to bed before GArry stops by and i go to work Later Days! *~Ashley~*
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Bad sushi = evil. Never do that again.