Vida Flicting

Inflicting pain on yourself doesn’t necessarily mean the worst. Often it is done for pleasure. The pleasure of pain which others try to obviate. The innocence of being a child, falling on the solid ground, scraping our kneels against Mother Earth. The feeling of warmth blood dripping down our leg slowly. Watching and relishing the feeling of pain every minute. Not many would correspond with me on this statement... Then again, I wouldn’t be the one to care. The metal slowly penetrating the layers of Me. The sign of blood is the sign of pleasure. Even during sex, pain can be a good sign. The cracking of the whip upon your skin. The burn of the rope on your wrist. All pleasurable to some. Pain is more than a feeling, it often overcomes us and controls us. We can conquer many task with pain. We must invite pain into our lives more often, with out it, this world would be a sexless, non-adventuress life.
Read 14 comments
lol crazy weed yeah i bet...
There is always a need to thank.
I take it you like the Beatles! Me too! They rock. Thanks for coming to see my diary! :] Yours it tight! "All you need is love."
Ok, I read that correctly, you worded it wrong. I don't feel any more like a man...I'm relieving my stress from the day, which you have no idea about. SO what, if you are the pyscho you say you are, that's you. I feel more like a man anytime I can tell the truth about myself, here it is: 1)I take "jokes" seriously 2) I don't take "suggestions" from air heads.
I like your thinking, and of this moment I can not think of something to say..maybe this is the fact of studying all day, but when I think of something to respond, other than this crap I shall reply.
i.m glad you catch this concept. not many do.

sorrow on my behalf. for ruining everyobodies everything.
I embrace the evil enough within myself, but does it make me any more alike my cousin. I embrace I the good, but at times goodness makes me sick.
Aright, did I say I was a higher being? No, I didn't even put that into the words I typed. Now, if you don't want me to reply, in which I will because I don't care what you'd like me to do, don't go on my diary and leave your bullshit. I'm sick of people like you, the ones that think they're oh so high and mighty. This is the last, don't bother commenting back.

Fuck you
i agree

I loved this entry. And the header picture. "Hair." why was that your comment? umm...right, i'm hyper right now! =) Do you have tarot cards?
What the fuck is your problem? I asked you not to leave your foolish "Educated" bullshit on my diary, yet you don't listen. Here's the final thing, and I will return with an amazing wealth of bullshit for you.
Eres un whey
Take your apology and shove it up your ass, which would infact meen eating it. I told you not to put anything, and what the hell do you do? I've spent my entire life fighting pricks who like to give unwanted "advice" like you.
I totally agree with what you say.

In different ways, pain can become an addiction, just like any drug, and the sight of blood can be enticing.

Pain can be satisfying.