Obsequious / Obfuscate

People don’t keep journals for themselves. They keep them for other people, like a secret they don’t want to tell but they want everyone to know. The only safe place for your thoughts is your memory, which people can’t take and read when you’re not looking - as least not yet. I’m starting to think that if the Internet is the CB radio of the 20th century, then the home computer is the trailer park of the soul, a dangerous tool in the hands of idiots. Eventually self-imposed fascism will destroy man as the convinces himself he doesn’t have to think anymore. Hypocritical as I am. It has already consumed me. Be consumed, or consume. That is how the world works.
Read 4 comments
i just realized you traced that IP address for me. thanks....cuz now i know who left that lame comment.

yes they can be. how did you trace that?
I'd have a journal in private, but I like the comments. I keep journals as logs, things to look back on, not to hold over everyone *shrug*. That's just me, though.