life's good :D

Audra, Well I hope you feel better hun. I know yesterday wasn’t all that great, but it’s Friday now, so you’ll have some time to recuperate (hopefully…unless your sisters go psycho…oh wait, they have…jk). I am going to the Socrates Club meeting tonight, too bad you can’t go. It won’t be any fun without you, but my mom said I should go to have a “philosophical conversation” (she really doesn’t get the concept of the club yet…that people just talk…not about philosophical topics). Oh well. I guess we’re going to TGIFriday’s, so that should be kinda fun. I still want to go over to your house tonight to study for the ACT, but as of now my mom said I can’t because she doesn’t believe we’ll actually study. So she practically forces me to go out to dinner, but then won’t let me study (strange…I know). I’m still trying to convince her it’s a good idea though. I don’t want to leave you at your house alone all weekend; that would be sad. I’ll for sure come over sometime tomorrow though (after the stupid ACTs). It's sad that you can't hang out with us tomorow night...I'll miss you:(. Guess what? We might have a new pet! You know that little turtle we found the other day? (yes…the one my mom put that strange sign in the street for) Well she wanted to just put him back outside last night, but my dad didn’t think it would be a good idea. So right now he’s residing in a box (and he’s a box turtle…so it works). He doesn’t seem to like the box too much though, so we put him outside a lot today just to run around (yes RUN…the little thing can RUN…I have never seen a turtle look like it’s actually running) It’s cute. He’s little and fat, and he runs all over the place. I hope we can keep him. The only reason why we wouldn’t keep him would be if we couldn’t get our tortoise run “little turtle proofed” so he couldn’t get out. We haven’t thought of a name yet, but he is quite fast, so that might have something to do with it. Today I took that Chem. test, and I for sure got an A. I feel a lot better about that now. I am not as stressed as I was earlier in the week. It also helps that my Econ. teacher (the strange one who was laying under the desk when he was sick) moved our book report thing so it’s now due after break. This weekend is quite busy, but I’m feeling pretty calm about it. The only thing that seems to be on a more negative note is that I’m really confused, but then I guess that isn’t something new (and I don’t think I’ll stop being confused anytime soon). Well I have to go to the Socrates Club dinner now, but I’ll be calling you soon (and hopefully seeing you soon too). Love you~ Sarah (P.S. I hope the issues you’re having with the “somebody” you mentioned in your entry get resolved soon…just breath…SMILE…and laugh :) )
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